Thursday, May 23, 2013

Static cling tape

The guy on the left popped up in my worm bin in March. So I planted it in a coffee cup and put it in the window. As of today, we got four purple beans off it, and the cats got to the rest. I don't expect quite as much from the avocado next to it.

But this is a sewing blog, and so I bring up the sewing thing: cling tape!

It was kind of expensive, and I haven't used nearly as much of it as I thought I would. It is much better than rubber bands for things like rolls of stabilizer and paper-backed fusible web, since it won't chew up or constrict the material.

Most of my spools and cones have their own thread snags, but I have a few metallics and bulk cones that need containment. The tape keeps the black thread from spilling all over the thread stand while it waits its turn for the needle. But that doesn't even use up one metre of the cling tape. When one cone is emptied, the cling tape gets reused on the next.

It's a sewing supply you buy only once in your lifetime.

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